As developers, we spend a lot of time doing two things over and over again😡:
Get the Field ID for a given field either in the Designer or in the Ragic API Data Dictionary so that we can reference a field.
Once we have the field then we need to repeatedly write a bunch of code to get the value of that field using the “Path”, “Key field Id” and a few lines of code.
We developed two solutions reducing many lines of code down to one line of code
If you want the value of the field called ‘Event Start Date’ simple call:
RS_GetFieldValue(‘/ragicnew-tab/10002’, ‘Event Start Date’);
which returns ‘2020/05/26 03:30:00’
This make code so easy to read instead of only seeing the field ID in the code like this:
… entry.getFieldValue(2000073); // What is this?
… entry.getFieldValue(1000006); // What is this?
… entry.getFieldValue(1000106); // What is this?
and reduces the code to one simple line
If you want the value of field ID ‘1000006’ (Description field):
RS_GetFieldValue(‘/ragicnew-tab/10002’, ‘1000006’);
which rerturns ‘Get it done:-) with Ragic apps’
If you want to know the filed ID for ‘Complete Date’
RS_GetInfo(‘Complete Date’);
which returns ‘2000074’
Or you have the field ID and want the field name
which returns ‘Assigned To’
And if you want a sheets “Key field Id” then:
retuns ‘2000465’
If you want to make your life easier and want this code library + the live data dictionary then contact us at ragicsolutions@gmail.com
To implement the dictionary we need to manually convert\digitize your dictionary to code which takes a little time. We will digitize 10 of your sheets + provide a self-help training video for you to digitize the rest of your sheets or makes changes.
Once off cost is only $ 25