Write-access to subsection within a Viewer-access only form.

For simplicity’s sake of explaining the issue, let’s say we have 2 sheets – Client Information, and Client Notes – and external users who have viewer-only access to the former, and either Survey or Bulletin-access to the latter.

External users can add new notes in the Client Notes sheet, but for ease-of-use, we have the Client Notes embedded as a linked table into the Client Information sheet and would like the external users to be able to affect the Client Notes within the Client Information sheet without having to navigate elsewhere.

I presume this is possible, but my tests – logging in as an external user account – have failed to allow me to add entries to the Client Notes by way of the Client Information sheet.


Externally users are viewers to Client Information, so they couldn’t modify any entry on this sheet.
If you would like to let them modify on Client Information, please set them as Survey User since X-user couldn’t be Bulletin User. And assign the entries X-users should be able modify to them by this way:

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