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I am a long time Alpha Software developer and I am looking at your systems with a view to change.
I am based in Australia but also develop a lot of systems in Asia, Africa & Papua New Guinea and have the following questions ?
(01)The comms are not very good in some of the remote sites, so I guess this will impact your server performance.
(02) Also I need to be a ble to develop a systems that can handle at least 200 users, alsong with a team of three on line developers.
(03) System security is of prime importance by only allowing certain users certain access and priviligees and being able to lock the systems down.
(04) Server hosting and application availability, backups & maintenance requirements.
Can you please advise me on the above issues and also tell me a bit about your organisation and what other business enterprises use your platform.
Thanks Paul Wilkinson
I have set up a form with a submit button - when I fill it in and press submit nothing happens - then when I click on the email address - an email pops up with no form data and is eventually received empty.
What am I doing wrong?
how much the size of file that database can hold !
because I’m doing an archive system for my company and I would like to see how much of the database can take with my files… also I would like to know how can I make copy of each file I upload to the database by auto to another folder so when I lost my database it doesn’t go.