Viewing Fixed Filter

When a fixed filter is created, it would be helpful for the administrator (me) to see what the filter is. Sometimes, weeks, months, or years may pass by and I don’t remember what the filter was designed to do. If I go to the fixed filter, I can’t see what it was. The only option I have is to delete it and recreate it. But by deleting it, I lose the original work that was done in creating it. So, to provide visibility to the administrator of what it was, that would be a great help!

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Hi John,

Actually you are able to click on the fixed filter to see what it is. But perhaps adding a drop down option would make this more obvious.

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Thank you for the clue. I will check it out.

Thanks again! I see that it works as you described. Thanks for letting me know!

Hi, I can’t find it. Can you please explain how to view it? I clicked and nothing happens


When clicking on the fixed filter, the filter condition will be shown under the left side bar as below which you could see “Sales products” is checked.

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