Use Of Ragic By Community College Students For A Class Database Project On Chrome Book

I teach Computer Science at a Community College.
One of the projects in my class is the development of a SIMPLE relational database. We have been using Access and Open Office.
With all our classes now being presented online, many of the students have Chrome Books and are not able to use Access or Open Office. Based on a quick look, I believe that the free version of Ragic may be the answer for those using a Chrome Book.
The database project requires two tables (Ragic sheets), one with 15 employees, and one with three jobs, with a job being assigned to each of the employees.
I suspect that there would be between 5 and 10 students using the Ragic database for their projects for any given semester. And the projects need not be kept after the end of the semester.
Is this a possibility?

Thanks for the inquiry.

Yes, Ragic do offer a free plan for educational purposes. :slight_smile:

To proceed with the application, please follow the steps below:

Step 1. Please provide the official information of the class, including the start date and end date.

Step 2. Have your students register Ragic accounts with their school email addresses. Please note that they must verify their database accounts before the class start date.

Step 3. Before the class starts, please share a full email list of the students that attend this class.

Step 4. Ragic will provide a free professional plan to the students and teacher that attend this class until the class ends.

Please feel free to let me know if you need further information.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get back to this until just a few days ago.
I have 10-15 (I’m trying to get a count and list now) students (San Joaquin Delta College-Stockton, CA) that would like to use Ragic for about 7 weeks. These students are using ChromeBooks and do not have the ability to load LiberOffice or Open Office, so they need to have access to an on-line database product.
Their projects will consist of 2 linked sheets. One sheet will hold 3-5 records and the other sheet will hold 15-20 records. One sheet will have 4 fields, and the other sheet will have 9 or 10 fields.
Each project will also require 3 queries and 3 reports.
Looking at your pricing schedule, the “Free” version looks to be more than adequate for the student purpose.
And they will then want to create a mail merge into a form letter created in Google Docs.
Should I proceed? And if so, how would you like for me to do so?

From the description, I would say the free version will work for them.

Our mail merge only accepts Excel or Word template. Hence, they may need to save the template as Excel format and then upload it to the system.

Since the free version works for your case, you may have your students register Ragic account here directly with their school email address. In case that you’ll need the proffessional plan during the class, please contact us at