UNIQUE() Questions

How is the order of unique values in a subtable returned in a UNIQUE() call?

Is there a way/function to sort them?


The UNIQUE() formula displays values according to the current order shown in the referenced subtable. If you want to sort the values in a specific order, you can use the filtering and sorting options in subtables to arrange the values as desired. Once you have sorted the subtable, triggering formula recalculation will reflect the new order. Alternatively, simply double-clicking any field or making any data edits will trigger the system to automatically recalculate the formula.

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Is this broken? It’s no longer working this way for me.


I’ve tested the formula on my database and found no issues. Could you please describe what’s not working correctly with your UNIQUE() formula?

I have a default subtable sort based on 2 columns (a first sort, and a secondary sort), both of which are hidden columns on the sheet. UNIQUE() is not giving me value order based on this sort order. I will open a support ticket.


Thanks for the reply. We will process this problem in the support ticket.

I just want to thank the team at Ragic for working hard to fix this issue. The development team made it a priority to change how the UNIQUE() sorting worked in the backend to match how it was working in the front end. It was actually fixed some time ago, but I wanted to wait a little to make sure that it continued working before commenting here.

I really appreciate you guys listening to your customers and quickly coming up with a plan to get things working how we need them to. Thanks again to everyone involved!

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