Today I leant the “hard way” that the Create Date system field cannot be added to a sub table even though it may be present in the parent sheet!
“Mabey, I have missed something and got this wrong! If that is the case then please do let me know, otherwise allow me to continue…”
You see I had created a Pricing Changes Sub Table some time ago, and today noticed that the Create Dates in the sub table were not correct for some reason, but still correct in the parent sheet and on its form page.
I decied to delete the field from the subtable and re-add it to see if that would correct the problem. But then realised that the field was no longer available to be re-added. I even deleted the whole subtable and tried again, but still no…
After checking in a few other sheets that I created as well as on the parent sheet itself, I realised that it was a system field and it may not be available for subtables!
I do hope that you can changes this as I myself do require such fields from time to time…
But what I did find strange here guys, is, “How was it in the subtable in the first place?” Well I created the subtable first then the parent sheet, so I guess you can get the system field in a subtable that way…
But the question still remains as to why the dates became incorrect?
I thought I better do the right thing and let you guys know!
I am going to use a regular date field to rectify the broblem that I am having at the moment, and that should work, but if you can make it so that the system date field can find its way into the subtables, when teh parent sheet is created first, that would be great!
Thanks and lots of love,