Starred Items Bug

This is a bug where starred records change when new records are added.

The best way to describe this bug is with an example. Let’s say my database has 10 records starred from the far left column. If I add a new entry, the same records should remain starred, but they all shift up by 1 record. So if entries 1-10 are starred, and then I add a new entry, the first 10 records remain starred but all records have shifted down one. So actually, records 2-11 should be the ones starred. Hope that explanation makes sense.

Please see if you can reproduce this bug or if it’s specific to my database.


Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to reproduce this bug in my own environment.
Therefore, could you please submit a support ticket via the “Need Help?” button located on the top right corner of your database, describe your working process, provide the sheet URL, and attach some related screenshots or video recordings for our support team to refer to?

Oh, that is strange.

OK, let me do some extra testing first and see if it happens again on my database.

Thanks for checking

Well, I can’t reproduce the bug, but I am positive it did happen to me once lol. Anyways, it’s working properly now so no fix needed. Sorry to bother you.


Thanks for checking. If it happens again in the future, please let us know the related details so we can reproduce the issue and find its root cause.