Sorting data in google sheets

I’ve set up my google sheet to bring in the ragic data using the ‘importdata’ formula and it seems to be working fine except it’s in a random order. I’ve tried sorting it to no avail. I have the data sorted as I want it within ragic but this doesn’t seem to be transferring over to sheets. I’m very new to this so probably missing something obvious. Can anyone help please?

Hi Sarah,

Would you please let us know if you are importing to your google sheet with the url generated from Ragic by using “publish to the web”?

Hi Amy, yes that’s right. I managed to find a solution by embedding it in a ‘query’ formula eg

=query(IMPORTDATA("[url].csv"), “select * order by Col1 desc”)

Thanks for replying :slight_smile:

Hi Sarah,

The sorting in Ragic is for your own only. When publishing to the web, system fetch the data from the sheet, but not from a specific user’s view of the sheet. Which means the sorting won’t be applied cause it’s for yourself only.
If you would like to have the result with sorting applied, you will need to set up a “fixed filter” with this sorting applied.