Session based conditional formatting


Although you can make many versions of forms to limit access to fields it becomes hard to manage and overkill when you just want to hide one field.

With conditional formatting you can hide a field but only once the user goes into edit mode however if we had something like this then it could be applied before the record goes into edit mode.

Then it would also be easy to extend this functionality to allow things like:

  • Read-only only field conditions
  • If we have things like “is not” #XGroup with the session access groups also being available in conditions

I hope this makes sense as this would be really useful.


We would also very much welcome being able to apply conditional formatting based on variables such as #USERNAME and $USERNAME. Has there been any progress on this?


Applying conditional formatting based on login session variables is a bit different from the structure.
Currently, we support the other way around as below, If select user field is or is not Logged in User …, you could try this out.

We will discuss if we could make this feature request happened in the future.

Hi Hank. Regarding your screenshot, we have looked at this but it would be very helpful to be able to do it the other way around. If we paid for this dev would it bump it up your schedule?