Select from other Sheet form

The development of multilingual forms / complex forms is not an easy task, and it is solved in Ragik by creating sheet Multiple versions. Problems start when we need field value data in different languages and see Select from other Sheet form.

  1. Ability to save the sheet version on which it was created in Sheet version field.
  2. Add sheet versions tabs to Select from other Sheet form.
    This tabs have same Access Rights as sheet version.
    On these tabs, we should see only columns with the labels that we set up on the listing page of this version of the sheet.
  3. By default load sheet versions tabs = Sheet version field in Select from other Sheet form.
  4. Selecting an entry from Select from other Sheet form by duble click.
  5. When user select (single click) a row in the Select from other Sheet form load detailed information (where detailed version = sheet versions tabs) about the record, as it is now implemented in the pop-up right sidebar for the sub-tables row.
  6. If Select from other Sheet form have Dynamic Filtering, hide sheet versions tabs where Listing Page column no have Dynamic Filtering fields.

Thanks for attention.

Using our current available features, is it possible to create multiple versions of the source sheet, and link to different versions of that source according to the language of the current sheet language version?

For example:

Sales Order (Lang 1) => Customer (Lang 1)
Sales Order (Lang 2) => Customer (Lang 2)

With the two Sales Order sheets of multiple version and Customer sheets of multiple version, having different fields to include values in different languages. If the above works, there should be no need for additional implementation of features.

Hello, thanks for the answer.
But in this topic talk about the pop-up window Select from other Sheet form:

Now if user hover the mouse cursor over the subtable entry we can see fly in panel with detailed preview info about selected entry. For example:

And here we can see Tabs with version of the sheet, is perfect, but we no have possibility select what is listing versions we need to see in pop-up window Select from other Sheet form.
In my proposal for the points:
1, 3. Required for automatic tab selection.
2. To display a pre-configured listing for this version of the sheet.
4, 5. Ability to get detailed information in fly in panel about entry at the time of selection in Select from other Sheet form. Double tap is required if we have multiple selection enabled.
6. Necessary for automation. Obviously If the Dynamic Filtering fields is configured for a subtable In the selection window we need to see only those versions of the listings in which we have configured the display of the fields that we want to see including the dynamic filter. If we haven’t set up a dynamic filter we see all available tabs for listing versions according to access rights.

I’m sorry, English is not my native language, trying to express the idea as I can.

Another argument is to add sheet version tabs to Select from other Sheet form. When adding a new record directly from Select from other Sheet form and a new browser tab opens the version of the sheet that I don’t need. I need to switch Between Different Multiple Versions Sheets.

After that, you need to close the tab and repeat all the actions on the original sheet.
Once again, I ask you to think about making life easier for developers and users.

This innovation will allow you to make complex forms for different product groups, within a single sheet.
Divide by product group with common fields (SKU, description) and with different product characteristics fields for different groups.
Product group / sheet version and different languages:
Each product group has unique fields for which you need to filter and select products when we add products in subtables.

We can limit access Access Rights for groups:
Survey for:


We need to have not only field descriptions, but also field values in different languages.
This will add flexibility and convenience to work with different product groups, and allow you to separate users who communicate in different languages.