Remove Side Bar Completely for X-User

Anyway to remove the whole side bar for X-Users? I’ve already turned the side bar features off, but there is still the Shortcut box there. I could really use the extra room the side bar is taking up.


Sorry we don’t support removing the shortcut.
Can you let us know the use case?

My external users will all be suppliers that login to make price quotations on our RFQs (Request For Quotation). I believe in KISS design rules (Keep It Simple Stupid), which basically means I have to make it as uncomplicated as possible. Even after removing what I can from the sidebar, there are still extra buttons there that can confuse my external users. I just want them to browse the RFQs and then submit quotes. The more complicated I make it, the less suppliers that will participate. Also, an empty sidebar takes up a lot of room that I could use for longer subtables :stuck_out_tongue:


We understand your situation, but in shortcut there are only two options which are “Home” and “Personal Settings” so it’s quite easy for them. No need to worry.

Personal Settings can be accessed from the top right corner, and Home just shows the same options as the sheets tab (since I also have Tasks and Events disabled on the home screen).

Anyways, it’s just a suggestion.


On the listing page, the sidebar also contains the search tool which allows users to filter old entries and even saved as a personal view, it would be hard for users to search for the past entries if you completely remove it.

I have already set a fixed search parameter that filters out the expired entries and have removed all search tools from the side bar so that the external users cant change that.

Perhaps you can suggest to them to resize the sidebar to where it’s virtually gone?

How do I get the sidebar back now? lol

Take your mouse to the edge of the screen until you see the resize icon, then drag it to the right.

I tried that for days and it didn’t work, but then finally (in one lucky spot in Chrome) it worked! Thanks again

You’re welcome, glad it worked!
It can be a little finicky.