We have the same issue but the Ragic Help Desk confirmed if you are sharing the sheet with others, they must be at the same level as the “Sheet Sharer”. Therefore, if the 10 users have $19/month (unlimited) and they are to share their sheets with others for read-only purpose, those read-only users must also be on the same plan - $19/month. Therefore, 110 users would have to pay $19/month each.
Are these 100 read-only users all going to be using the system “at the same time”?
If they use the system on and off and not all at once.
Ragic do offer the option of “concurrent user” ($49.9/concurrent user) instead of a fixed $19/user.
So if your use case is not all 100 users using the system concurrently, you might benefit from using a smaller number of concurrent users.
As to sharing accounts, there’s no limit on different people using the same account, just that it’s not the best practice. However, you will also be limited by the concurrent usage. One account can only be used at any one time. The previous login session will be logged out on other browsers or computers.
Our case is for keeping track of contestants and their results in different competitions. The admins will create the competition data and register the contestants, before a competition. But during an ongoing competition, many of the contestants will be in the system at the same time for the reading current competition results and status. I guess many of them will be “concurrent” in that sense.
So we will think about how we should proceed.
Again thanks for explaining.
In your use case, it’s likely these contestants don’t belong to your organization.
If they do not use your domain name; they are more like external users.
I believe it fit the use case that was intended for External Users with Ragic.
You can request to turn on the External user function.
And add these read only contestant users for free.