POST to Comments

Hi Ragicians!

My old employer (and perhaps future client :sweat_smile:) wishes to integrate an existing chat client (it’s LINE, and it’s a way the company chooses to interact with its customers) and I thought that comments have a chat-like interface, so I’ll use that. I’ll ignore the stickers.

What worries me currently is inbound traffic from LINE to Ragic. Comments are stored in subtable ID 61, so I thought that I would simply POST the text to the comments with the following JSON payload:

"_subtable_61": {
  "-1": {
    "Comment": "test comment",
    "User": "me"

to some URL like Now, the field ID for comments can’t be found anywhere, so that’s the best JSON payload I could come up with. Posting gives me the following status and message:

"status": "SUCCESS",
"msg": "Field id comment not found on this sheet. Field id _subtable_61 not found on this sheet.",

The comment I made didn’t manifest in the records. Curiously, the recent changes page shows that the record is modified through the API.

I wish to know the following:

  1. Is subtable 61 read-only, or writeable given the correct permission (survey/bulletin/admin)?
  2. If subtable 61 is writeable via API, then what are the field IDs needed to post text comments? I’m also curious for those of the file comments, too.

As for files, I haven’t tried anything yet. I’ll ask later if I get stuck in that case.


Right now comments are not supported within our standard API. I will ask our developers to add some support for adding commenting abilities in our standard API. I think it will make things a lot easier for you.

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