Populate Subtable from another sheet

Good day all,

I need some help with my problem.

So I want to use data from one of my sheets called “Daily Report”.

In this sheet my personnel is submitting data daily about their activities. So based on this data I need to create a timesheet aka. invoice to send it to my client.

The daily report submission form looks like this

Now I’ve created action button to take some of the data from the daily report and place it in my timesheet form which is in another sheet.

But this works only for a single entry cells and not for a subtables. I need to populate data for a month and not just a day.

Here is how my timesheet design looks like.

When I open the action button window I only get to select a single cells and not subtable cells.

Any ideas how to do this?

My whole idea is to automate the timesheets process and eliminate the human error by filling them in Excel or by hand.


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