No clear way to do a Many to Many relationship

I’ve been struggling with Ragic for the last few days trying to get a Many to Many relationship to work…

Previously I had tried to follow these directions…

I know there’s a fix being worked on in regards to this so in the meantime I tried to build a Many to Many using 3 tables.

Class_Student (join table holding foreign keys to both Classes and Students)

The tables looked like this…

Class ID
Class Name

Student ID
Student Name

Class & Student
Class ID
Student ID

With the “Class & Student” table I did 2 different link and loads to the “Class and Student” table.

So now the “Class & Student” table looks like this…

Class & Student
Class ID
Class Name (loaded from Class table)
Student ID
Student Name (loaded from Students table)

I then created 2 “multiple version” from this “Class & Student” table to try to display the correct field order that I hoped would work with creating a Subtable under both the Classes and Students tables.

The first variant I called------------------------

Students & Classes 1:M

	And I hid the "CS ID" primary key so that in sheet view it would look like this

Class ID	Class Name

The 2nd variant I called--------------------------

Classes & Students 1:M

	Likewise I hid the "CS ID" and it looks like this

Student ID 		Student Name

I went back to the Classes sheet and then tried to insert the “Students & Classes 1:M” sheet
into a subtable by using Link and Load.

Unfortunately it would only allow me to drag and drop the original “CS ID” primary key that I was trying to hide by using “multiple versions”.

There was no way for me to do a custom join by trying to drag and drop the Class ID from this join table into the Students subtable row.

It would be really nice to have a fix or a clear direction on how to do Many to Many relationships properly…

Thank You!


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