Near Real Time Updates

John shares Sheet 1 with Bill. John make a data change on Sheet 1 and Bill sees that change in about 7 seconds (and vice versa). Good!

However: John makes a duplicate sheet, Sheet 2, and asks John to use that instead. John makes a change to Sheet 1 but Bill does not see that change on Sheet 2 unless he refreshes it. Is there a way that Sheet 2 can automatically update so that Bill can see John’s change without refreshing?

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your suggestion. This is indeed something we can add so that we can support this type of real time updates for multiple versions. We will keep you updated on our progress for this on this thread.


We’ve updated our applications so that multiple versions will also trigger updates for each other now.

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Thanks for doing that so quickly. Impressive. I will test and advise if there are any problems.

If I share a sheet with another user and impose a Fixed Filter on that sheet, then any changes the Sharer make to that sheet are reflected in c 8 seconds on the Sharee’s view of that sheet. Good. However, if the Sharee makes a change that is not reflected on the Sharer’s view unless he manually refreshes. Please take a look.

Could you send the URLs of the two sheets that you’re referring to as a support ticket for us to take a closer look?


Hi Mike,

We’ve done some testing using your test sheets on our test server, and on either sheet, the update is being reflected on the other sheet without any problem.

Ragic checks for update around every 10 seconds, and will only check for update when the tab is active. Can you try to have the tab be active for more than one minute to make sure if it’s getting the appropriate update?


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Thanks for looking at it Jeff. I have re-tested and can’t reproduce the problem. As I am testing on one machine with two screens (different browsers) and using a mouse setup where focus-follows-pointer it is possible that yesterday the receiving tab did not have focus. Today the receiving tab seems to update quickly regardless of whether or it has focus; this is odd but maybe the browser tabs behave as though they have focus for a short period after they lose focus. I’ll let you know if yesterday’s behaviour recurs. Regards, Mike

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Hi Jeff,

On multiple version sheets it seems that near real time updates are not always being shown if a saved view is being used. e.g. if Bill makes a new entry then John will not see that entry if John has a saved view applied until he manually refreshes.

Please could we have that functionality?

