Mass update information

Hi Ragic Support Team,

This is Anthony from Cafune Limited.
I’m the one who update the sales information to the Ragic system.

According to the information update, I am using a template by CSV file to proceed the mass update, however,I can only use this template to mass update the “order information” or “shipping information”, it’s not available for me to upload the “customer information” & “sales information”, it need to be manual update one by one…

So would you please advise how can I mass update for this 2 kind of information as well? If there’s are template, appreciate if you could share to me.

Thank you very much and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi Anthony,

As of now we are neither sure the design of your sheet you tried to create data with mass upload function nor the datasource, we’d suggest you to send Ragic support team an email with your sheet URL and import file attached via the Need Help button on the upper right side of your database.

Thank you