Mail Merge to Microsoft Word

Hi again!
I’ve set up and uploaded a Word document (docx) for mail merging in form view. But when I run the command “Mail Merge (Word/Excel)” under “Tools” in form view, the produced document doesn’t show the merged field value. It only shows the field’s name («SenderName») instead.
I don’t know what I do wrong. I have just set up a word document with field names, like «SenderName» throughout the document and I uploaded it on Mail Merge templates. By doing that I expect that Ragic passes the field values whenever I press the Mail Merge option in format view. Isn’t that so?
Please advise.

Btw, it works the same way for Mail Merging in Excel also. Field names only. No field values!

Could it be the free account that I use? Maybe it works only for paid plans?

I found what was the problem. Don’t bother. Case solved!

I am having the same problem. Could you share what the solution is? I’d greatly appreciate it!



Would you mind sending a support ticket via “Need Help”? It’s on the top-right corner of database page, and provide the sheet URL, the issue you encounter and which mail merge template you use and grant Ragic support access to your database so that we could have a closer look.