Lost formatting in Custom Print Report WORD/PDF template

The Custom Print Report template I designed in MS Word for a sales quotation is loosing all formatting of the fields (Table and Subtable) on the Quotation sheet.
Example: date field formatted as dd/mm/yyyy pdf prints as yyyy/mm/dd and Money/Number field formatted as €#.##0,00 (€2.000,00) pdf prints just the number 2000.

Is this a bug, a Ragic limitation or a MS Word problem?


The issue you are experiencing is due to the current technical limitations of Carbone’s formatter, which is causing the formatting to be lost. For the numeric fields, you can add the “formatN(0)” formatter when editing your template. For example, in your total amount field in the custom print report template, please use this format: “d.FieldID:formatN(0)”.

We truly appreciate your feedback, and if we resolve this issue in the future, we’ll be sure to let you know. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out!

Good morning,
Many thanks for your input. I’m no expert on JSON and Carbone but {d.fieldID:formatN(2)} formatter did the trick for the decimal seperator in the money/number fields.
No luck though with the mainland Europe decimal (comma) and thousand (dot) formatting and dd/mm/yyyy date formatting as this depends on my win10 regional settings.
Looking forward to a future solution.
Kind regards.


We have asked our developers to check if custom numeric formatting can be supported on custom reports in the future and will get back to you when we have more details about it.

Thanks for your support.

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