Kanban Board Unable to Show Cascaded Selection


I designed the out-of-the-box opportunity sheet so that

  1. there are fields called “Process” (reflecting different sales processes) and “Stage” (depending on the sales process), and both are mandatory (non-empty)
  2. “Stage” is set to be a cascade selection on “Process”
    The problem is when I try to use the “Stage” field for a kanban board. No record shows up for no apparent reason. Both Attached please find the screenshot.

I could simply create multiple versions of the same opportunity page, but there’s no business justification for doing so.

But it works fine for “Process” category, though.


Thank you for your message and for sharing the details and screenshot.

Currently, the Kanban board does not support cascade selection fields. We have noted your feedback and reported it to our development team. Once support for cascade selection is implemented, we will notify you.

Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate your feedback.