Is there a better way to add records in a linked subtable


I have a subtable on a form(projects) that shows crosslinked records(resources) from another table according to the “referencing 2 sheets at once” article.

When I add a new resource that does not exist in the Resources table I click on the triangle, which opens a popup window where I click on the new button that then opens a new browser tab to create a new record in the resources table. This feels slow and cumbersome to create a new record with at most 3 fields of data.

Is it possible to have a similar functionality as a selection field where you can click “add new” if the entry doesn’t exist, a popup shows with the text already there and all you do is click OK.

Or would it be possible to create a mini form within the form with a button to quickly add a new record to another table?

Or maybe there is an even better solution that I haven’t come across yet?



I think the closest method is probably adding the respective action button that allows you to click and create a new record on the child sheet.
If this is not what you’re looking for, please provide us with the sheet URLs, describe what’s not working correctly, and tell us the ideal result so we can take a further look at the situation. If you would like to do this privately, please feel free to submit a support ticket so Ragic support can contact you via email.