We are a small startup. And we urgently would need a function in which 3 users could update contacts (potential client = leads) at the same times.
These contacts could be either companies or natural persons.
1 user should be a super user (admin) who could also delete records
the other 2 users should be just normal users who could updated and amend the contacts, but not delete them
Is there an easy solution for this? And is it easy to set this up in Ragic.
We have our contacts stored in google contacts. For this, we have been using simply “lables” to differentiate the contact. This means
some contacts are suppliers
some contact are existing customers
some contacts are leads
How shall we import this google CSV file now into Ragic?
Shall import all contacts labelled as “leads” into the CRM template?
And then all contact labelled as “suppliers” into the Purchasing Management template?
I read the tutorial, but I still do not fully understand how to manage the first (two) rows with the stare sign.
Let us just assume, I want to use only the Customer Relationship Template. And here I want to add records to the (sub)table “Leads”
By exporting my data from google contacts, I have now a table with several rows comprising different attributes such as company name, family name, email address etc.
When trying to import this data into the “Leads” sub table, how would I now handle the first columns with the star signs?