Hiding Rows and Columns on a form

Ideally conditionally formatting would allow you to hide rows and columns on a form view (my immediate need) and list views. This becomes super impressive for accordion style displays (expanding and contract views)

To be clear, it is not simply hiding fields, it is collapsing a row.

Anyone have any suggestions, especially as it pertains to hiding rows conditionally on a form?



Would you please elaborate in what kind of situation you would like to hide / collapse whole row in a form view?

Sure. I have a dashboard display on a form. The columns are years, and the rows are data rolled up by year. It would be great since I have the detail by quarter to be able to hide and unhide rows or data. This is a fairly common thing in data displays and visualization.

It would be great if the conditional formatting was expanded to allow hiding row and even columns. In addition to the above use (which makes some really great presentations) it provides the added benefits for general form display of hiding rows (or columns) for fields that are hidden or the creator does not want displayed without leaving lots of space gaps (forcing unnecessary scrolling in some cases)

This seems like a lot of benefit, provides a lot of flexibility and allows users to do some really great stuff.

If you have more questions, let me know. But this functionality would be really helpful and others seem to be asking for the same thing.


Hi David,

This sounds like it would be a good enhancement to our conditional formatting function and add more flexibility to our form layout design. I will talk to our developers and see if we can add support for this on our future releases. (But of course we will need to work on the expand / collapse feature of the sheets first)



Just curious if there have been any developments on the ability to expand/collapse rows and/or columns with conditional fomatting?

Yes, I have need for this exact functionality to hide some fields on a complicated form without leaving huge chunks of empty space.

Any follow-up on this being implemented?


Our developers are still working on this issue and we will notify you when we have more details about it.

any progress on this?