Am using getAPIResultList() on a sheet with 1600+ entries/records but it only returns 1000. Why? And how do I code to process all records come what may?
Have answered my own question. Just discovered the setLimitSize() & setLimitFrom() functions which explains everything. Find it surprising that Ragic don’t offer a more elegant solution rather than all users having to code around this limitation.
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This is definitely not elegant, but the 1000 record limit can be handled with a function like this:
function retrieveAllRecordsWithPaging(queryUrl, filter) {
var pageSize = 1000;
var offset = 0;
var combinedResults = [];
while (true) {
var query = db.getAPIQuery(queryUrl);
var queryResults = query.getAPIResultList();
if (queryResults.length === 0) {
// combine array
for (var i = 0; i < queryResults.length; i++) {
offset += queryResults.length;
return combinedResults;
Hope that helps someone.