Formulas dissapear when I add field to subtable

Hi! When I add a field to subtable work orders all formulas connected with that subtable gets empty. Any idea how to avoid that?


May I confirm that it’s a reference subtable, or the subtable that has been used to generate a new sheet? If yes, we have identified this issue and will apply the fix in our next update. We will notify you once it’s fixed, sorry for your inconvenience!

Hi, its a reference subtable


We have completed an update to fix this formula issue on subtables. If possible, please test it to ensure it is working as expected, and let us know if any problems persist.

It still doesnt work.

Before added field to table:

After adding field (all formulas related to that subtable disappears) :


We have notified our developers about this persisting problem and will keep you posted.


We have just completed another update to fix this problem. If possible, please test to see if it is working as expected and let us know if any problems persist.

Sorry to say, but problem still persists.


Could you please submit a support ticket and provide us with the sheet URL so our support team can further investigate this problem?