Expand and Collapse


I was wondering if there was any possibility of adding an “Expand and Collapse” option, to quickly and easily show/hide entire blocks. We have quite long records for some forms, but often once completed, we don’t need to see all the info. To be able to shrink down sections to just their header and a + would make the overview of a record much more user friendly. I am envisioning something like the “group” feature in excel.





Like Excel it would be good to be able to do this in a list view and also inside a record. In a record it would be horizontal and vertical grouping.

What would then be really amazing is have the grouping (maybe by group name) available in the conditional formatting. This was you could hide or show sets (groups/blocks) of fields based on another field value. Then long complex forms can be broken down into only what is needed and you could also build phases to data capturing.

I hope I am making sense.

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Yes I love this evolution of the idea!

Thank you for your suggestion!

We do have something like this planned on the form page. For listing page it should be for the columns only. Also the grouping would certainly help to simplify conditional formatting in the future.


Another thought on this is to use conditional formatting to hide or show certain rows and columns.
The condition would be hide rows | 5-10, or 5,6,8 something to that effect.
This will make the forms very dynamic and you could then also interact with the conditional formatting in a script by setting the value of the filed the conditional formula is based on.

Who know the developers might find this easier to implement using existing functionality.


Any success with conditionally hiding rows on a form page?



Any updates on this a client really needs something like this?


This is still in our development queue, I will see if we can move this item up the order a little.

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I am also definitely interested in such a feature and looking forward to see this becoming realized.



is there any progress and updates on this feature request?
We are highly interested in such a feature.

Thanks and regards.


We do have implemented the “Section” feature recently. You could select some rows under design mode and right click on the row header to create section. Which could create tabs to expand and collapse fields.

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This is amazing!

Being able to use conditional logic to hide / show a section would be great


We have submitted a feature request to support hiding a complete section using conditional formatting. We will notify you when we have more details about this feature request.

Add me to the list of people who want this feature.


We will notify here when we have more details about this feature request.

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Hi all,

We have now completed an update to support showing or hiding sections using conditional formatting. If possible, please test to see if it is working as expected and let us know if there are any related problems.