Design of booking venue system

Hi ragic, i am was thinking of using ragic to create a venue booking system where it block double booking but some of the venue may allow venue sharing.

Cant delete other user venue’s booking
Able to view who makes the booking.
allow repetition in booking

is there any article for me to refer to

thank you


At the moment, we have no similar template for this kind of workflow.

I would suggest elaborating more on what you would like to achieve and your workflow with an example so that we could guide based on your needs? Generally, some descriptions of your workflow with a screenshot or a file of how you manage the data right now would be pretty helpful.

If there is sensitive data that you don’t want to share in public, please send us a ticket via the “Need Help?” at the upper right corner of your database. :slight_smile:

Maybe you can cut up one unit to more unit

like A -> A1, A2, A3