Deactivate "Share Entry" Links

Is there a way to disable or recopy links for specific entries after using the “Share Entry” function?

I have some entries I’d like to share with people outside the organization, but want to the ability to disable the link after our business is concluded. I don’t have an exact or relative timeline for this so I can’t rely on the expiration date of the link.


If an entry is shared using a temporary access URL, the URL cannot be disabled before expiration.
As a workaround, could you please try using guest users email validation and see if it fits your workflow? This feature allows you to disable access from people outside the organization by modifying the sheet’s access rights.

Thanks fabio, one of the needs is to not require a new login or account creation as these are usually short and sweet communications. So I can work around not being able to disable the link.

Is there a way to generate these links with the serverside js or the api?


Guest user email validation would be the best workaround since it allows you to grant access to others without requiring them to have a user account.