Can you provide an Excel template for entering New Products on the CRM as well as one for entering a price list.
I would suggest downloading the CRM template in your database to get started. Please refer to this document for more details.
Hi Fabio
Thank you for your reply
I clicked on your link “this document”
The documentation seems to be out of date since I cannot find a “Start” on my menu
However, I clicked the Install template link
Installed the Customer Relationship Management
Read The Ragic guide.
Since the CRM templates includes several sheets, my concern is how to create the separate CRM sheets from my unique Excel sheet?.
Let’s say that I split my Excel spreadsheet in two. Excel Product and Excel Prices.
With my Excel product sheet, I first create the Ragic product sheet with self generating product numbers.
Then how do I match the self generated Ragic product number to the product number of my Excel price sheet before I input the data for the CRM price list. ?
Ideally I would like to create the two ragic CRM sheets from a single Excel sheet. Is that possible ?
If not how do I make sure that the Ragic self generated Product number from the product sheet is matched to the separate Excel price sheet?
To better understand this case, could you please provide us with some data examples of your current Excel system, describe your ideal workflow on your sheets, and how to generate product numbers?
If you would like to do this privately, feel free to email so our Ragic support staff can help you privately via email.
Thanks fabio, I’ll send you an email