Compare User in my sheet

I Try to Use if then the user name in database but i can. is there is a way to campare user with each other in the filed like to see if this user add a record was he the same how finalize it.


Not exactly sure about your ideal workflow, could you please describe it and provide us with some related screenshots or examples for us to refer to first?

Thanks for your response,

In Sheet A, I store a record containing information such as User, Name, ID, and CAR Number. In Sheet B, I create a link to load to all the entries from Sheet A. Additionally, in Sheet B, I have a field named “User,” where I save the user entry.

Now, I want to compare the User information loaded from the records in Sheet A with the User entry in Sheet B. Although I observe that the names of both users are the same, when I attempt to use the formula IF(C6 = H7, "YES", "NO"), I consistently receive “NO.”

Despite multiple attempts, I haven’t been able to make it work.


It seems like you would need to append .RAW to your formula to reference two fields that are equal to each other with the IF function, such as IF(C6.RAW=H7.RAW,“Yes”,“No”).

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Thanks this was very helpful.

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