Can I use multiple Select User fields?

Hi Ragic Team,

I have a question. I am adjusting my property listing form so that I am able to select more than one Agent, in fact up to four agents should be able to be selected for each listing. I cannot use the multiple select option, as I need to load contact information for each agent selected in each field, and then have that info complied into one single contact information field.

Anyway, my question is, is it ok to use more than one Select User field, on a single form? Such that the system will recognize each user selected in each field appropriately?

Thought I’d better check first!

Thanks, appreciated!


Hi Kane,

Yes, when you use the multi-select feature of the Select User field, the system can distinguish between different users. Please refer to this documentation: Field Types

Thank you,

Hi Benson,

Actually, I never did ask about if I use the multiple select feature, in fact I asked about using many separate Select User fields instead, actually.

I would like to know, if I use separate Select User fields, will it be the same as if I use one Select User field with multiple select, in that will it recognize each user entry in the separate select user field, as if they were selected via the multiple select option in one single field.

I believe that I need to do it this way, to use a Link & load to retrieve specific contact information from each user, and I cannot do this while using a single User Select filed with multiple users being selected.

I’m sure you understand!

So, my question is, is there any downside or is it even supported to have more than one Select User field in the same Form Page?



I use multiple single Select User field in my forms all the time for custom approval process and form progress tracking. I don’t see why not if the field is only for “display and link” purpose.

However, the downsides I can think of might be:

  1. you can only use Full-Text search if you want to find a particular agent since they can be located in one of the 4 fields.
  2. If you want to see the listing related to a certain agent under the agent profile. You will need to create 4 differenet subtables under each agent, since the listing may come from 4 different fields.

Response appreciated!

Good points too, that I will need to take into consideration, for sure!

For now, though, as long as system recognizes each separate field value (Agent), in separate Select User fields, and grants them appropriate access,… then I am good to go!

As you say, you yourself have tried this! Then, I can’t see why it would not work for me as expected! I will go ahead and make the changes to my form design!

Thanks again…


Hi Kane,

Thank you for your response. Using “Select User” in different fields within the same form is possible, and the system can recognize different users in each field.