Best practice for all forms


We have learnt the hard way, so I thought I would share this.
To avoid challenges down the line it is very important to have the following fields on every form you create. In due time you will have wished you had added these from the start.

  • A - Unique record identifier is best practice in any database, so add an autogen field and a prefix helps when searching

  • B & C - To start recording who created what record from day one. Set the default values and make them read only.

  • D & E - As above start from day one recording who updated records. Set the default values and make them read only.

Add these fields later means you may have lost some history.

Take care

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Thank you, mate.

Just a note, if you add these fields later (auto-generate or default value), you can still retrieve the values by using “populate empty values” button.

Also useful when you import records with old values and want them to use the new autogen number.

Thanks Amy