Automate my **Dream Property Finder**

I need to effectively automate a Dream property Finder
The first, a script that will filter all “available listings” selecting those that meet new sign-up’s (persons to sign up to our Dream Property Finder) requirements! And then sends the new “Property Short-list” to the email address given.>>>>>>>>For when the person initially signs up!
The second script, then checks/takes every new listings and check it against all Dream Property Finder subscriber requirements……………and sends to those that MATCH!
See the demo version of the database at
Dream Property Finder (Mailing List) Sign-up
Dream Property Finder (Mailing List) Reviewer
Listings (Admin View)

I have no idea how to even start to do this! Should get a quote from Ragic or an external developer to do this for me?

What do you suggest guys?


Hi all,

This has not been a priority for me as of late and still remains undone… Now revisiting “me wanting to automate the Dream Property Finder”, I now find that I can use as an alternative, a WordPress plugin, or I can update to a new WordPress theme, one that has a dream property finder, that works autonomously, with little or with no input from me, essentially giving the same result as if I were to have a script formulated for automating the Dream Property Finder in Ragic. This has been completed as of late!

Thanks for those that responded in private! However will not be needing anymore, any scripting done for this, at this time!

Best Regards,
