API-requesting with multiple field-filters. Is there an AND-operator?


Is there a way to make an API request using multiple fields for AND filtering? (instead of the OR filtering that you describe in the API documentation).

In other words, if I want to create an HTTP-request for all records from only a certain customer (or maybe any of two customers, using the “&” to say customer A OR customer B)
AND only from certain weeks of the year (eg. week 1, 2, 3 and 4, using the again the “&”-sign multiple times to say I want a record if it is from either week 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4),
how do I specify the “AND” that is supposed to go between the customer filter and the week filter?

Thank you
Kind regards

The conditions for the API between different fields are always AND together. They are only OR together when the conditions are for the same field. In your case it looks like you can simply use & and append them all together and the conditions should work.

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Perfect :slight_smile:
Thank you so much, Jeff