Android filter and sort

I’m not sure this is a feature request or a bug.

On an Android phone I’d like to be able to sort on various fields and filter on the same fields. I believe this capability exists on an iPhone.

This request implies the table view could be customized by the user to show the fields desired. For example in my case I have a table of orders where I’d like to display the order number, date added and planned ship date. I’d like to be able to sort this table view on any of these three fields. In addition I’d like to be able to filter on the same three fields.

Hi, yes our Android mobile app developers have started working on this item. I will help keep you posted on the progress with this thread.

Hi , is it the filter features for Android mobile apps already done??

Hi actually below is the picture in the android phone how the data will be look but can I get to know how to arrange the field for instance the date will have come in front first where I don’t want the site supervisor to come first pls guide me how to do it for this ??
Thank you


  1. The filter and sort function of Android is still under developing.

  2. If you want to change the title field in your listing page of mobile APP, please enter the design mode and change the “Title Field” in the form settings.


Filtering and sorting entries from our Android mobile app is now supported. You may update your Ragic app to the latest version (1.7.0) and test it out.