An easy way of transfering one record to another sheet

I have a client that stopped using my service, she has now advised she wants to use my services again. I had transferred her record to my Lost prospects sheet, I have an active prospects sheet.

I have loads of lost prospect records and I do now want to sift through all of the exported records delete all un-necessary records and import to my active sheet.

May I suggest a feature where if two of the sheets are exactly the same format you can transfer between them like drag and drop in MS Excel


With this kind of requirement, we’ll suggest creating those sheets with multiple versions.

Let’s say you already have an “Active Prospect” sheet. Then, you may follow the steps below:

Step 1. In the “Active Prospect” sheet, add an “Active or Lost?” selection field, with “Active” and “Lost” as options.

Step 2. In the “Active or Lost?” field, set the “Active” as the default value.

Step 3. Save the design and run the populate empty values.

Step 4. Create a “Multiple Version” based on the “Active Prospect” sheet and name it as “Lost Prospect” sheet.

Step 5. In the “Active Prospect” sheet, apply fixed filter so that it only displays entries with “Active” in the “Active or Lost?” field.

Step 6. In the “Lost Prospect” sheet, apply fixed filter so that it only displays entries with “Lost” in the “Active or Lost?” field.

In the future, simply change the field value of the “Active or Lost?” field will “move” the entries between sheets. (It’s not actually “move” the data at the back end but it works pretty much like that. Once you change the value to “Active”, that entry will show up in the “Active Prospect” sheet while disappear in the “Lost Prospect” sheet.)