Allow multiple select in Create Task interface

I’d like to be able to assign the same task to a number of people (e.g. a whole department, or some otherwise-unrelated selection of people) without having to pick a single name, assign the task (e.g. “update your project budget projections”), and then repeat ad nauseam until the task is assigned to everybody.

It would be pretty handy to have the ability to pick by particular groups (e.g. ‘Users,’ ‘Payroll,’ etc.) and/or by a multi-select list, and assign them all the same task in one step.


Since it will have effect on many function, we would take a longer time to figure out can we make it supported. Thanks for your suggestion, we’ll keep you posted once this feature released.

I agree that having the ability to select a “group” of people to assign tasks to would be very helpful. Wanted to share something we recently implemented that you may find useful.

One of our customers has new Projects that start each week. Most of the time, they all have the same tasks that need to happen (i.e. Order a Permit, Set up Project with Accounting, etc.) and it the same person that is getting assigned to that task.

We created a simple sheet with all repeating Project Tasks, assigned default users, and sorted by the Priority of top 10. In our Project sheet, we have a table to manage all of the tasks; which is a multi-select option. The Project Manager can assign, 5, 20, 30 tasks within a couple of clicks.

If you would like to see any screenshots, or have questions, let me know.




Currently, it is not supported to assign one task to multiple users or a user group. As a workaround, designing a Ragic sheet to assign users or groups would help.