Aggregating Subtable to Another Subtable

Hi Ragicians!

I am using Ragic’s Accounting Lite template. Its Account Titles sheet has 4 grades, but I need 5 per the generally accepted practice around here. My idea to extend the functionality without disturbing too much hard-coded stuff (like the Balance Sheet or Income Statement) is as follows:

  1. Create a table called Sub-Ledgers, with a Link field to Account Titles table.

  2. Create a subtable (A7) under the Journal Entries table, mimicking the Voucher Detail subtable (A13). The fields are a Link field to Sub-Ledgers (A7), a Load field from Sub-Ledgers (B7), a free text field, two number fields called Debit (F7) and Credit (G7), another Load field from Sub-Ledgers, which is the Link field in 1 (H7), and a Load field from Sub-Ledgers called Ledger Code (I7).

  3. Create a new sheet from the subtable A7, called Voucher Sub-Details.

  4. Aggregate Voucher Sub-Detail records by Ledger Code to Voucher Detail. If I add two entries in A7, then F7 should be aggregated to F13, and G7 should be aggregated to G13.

I can’t finish the last step.

However, if anyone has a better idea, I’m all ears.


For questions related to the accounting template, could you please submit a support ticket to allow our support staff to see if we can modify the settings on your template?

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