What are the system default system groups?

I would like to clean up the system default groups to give me more room for the groups that I have in my database. What the bottom line on which one they are and do they really have to stay if I am not using that template? I did check the document file and I could not find that information in there.

Thanks for your response
Keep up the great work here.

John B

The “User” group is the default group when all new internal users are added to your account.
The “X-User” group is the default group when all new external users are added to your account.
The “SYSAdmin” group is for the group of users with full access to all sheets and configurations, can create sheets, and modify sheet designs.

The other user groups are commonly used groups created for template uses.

Thanks Jeff for the reply.
Ragic support have been wonderful in responding and very helpful.

I posted this question because after deleting some of the templates, I expected the group access for those template to also disappear. They didn’t and I wasn’t sure if I could manually delete them. You response makes a lot of sense. I’m sure that there might be other members that might have been wondering about what couldn’t be removed.