QR Code and Scanner

Hi everyone.
I am a beginner in Ragic.
I know Ragic has the ability to generate QR based on certain field.

However, how can I scan this QR code.
What scanner do I have to use?
A specific Ragic QR scanner only?
or any outsider scanner will able to scan the QR code as well??

One more enquiry is If I manage to scan this QR code, what information can I obtain.

I understand, before I create a QR code, there are many related information for this QR code.

Lets say,
I create an entry for Shopping Item~
Entry contains, chinese name of the item, english name of the item, price, available quantity and Item’s QR Code.

May I know how to retrieve all these information when i scan a QR code.

TQ in advance!!

Thank You


As long as the QR code scanner can be connected to your computer successfully, it can be used in Ragic.

From your use case, you’ll need to have at least 2 sheets:

  1. Item sheet
    The place that you store all the information about your item. Furthermore, you’ll need to have a unique value for each of your item, such as product number. If you don’t have such information, you may refer to this article.

  2. Order sheet
    The place that you create an order. In this sheet, please put a subtable so that users will be able to purchase multiple items under an order. Then, use the link & load to let users select items from “Item” sheet and load other correspondent information.

With above design, users will need to select the unique value of the item they want to purchase when placing the order and the rest of the information about that item will be loaded automatically. For save the time of manually selecting the item from the pop-up window, you may use QR code scanner to input the unique value directly.