Multiple Select in table view is unusable!

For the life of me, I can’t seem to figure out how to fill in a Multiple Select field in a table view.

Click on the cell? Goes to form view for that record. Right-click on the cell? Ragic context menu that doesn’t include Multiple Select choices. Click on the edit pencil? Lets me type, but not choose selections. Right-click on the edit pencil? Browser context menu.

Somehow, accidentally, I’ve been able to get to where I want to be, which is “able to choose Multiple Select items from within a cell in the table view,” but I have no idea how to immediately and repeatably get there. Which makes Multiple Select essentially unusable.

What am I doing wrong…?!


We’ve found that it’s a bit difficult to pop out the multi-selection options when edit on listing page, thanks for your report.
We just forward the issue to our development team and will keep you posted in this thread, you could try entering any text in the multi-selection field and backspace to see the options at this moment.


We’ve applied a fix on this issue, you could try it out.

I think this is quite a bit better. I find that I have to wait a bit longer than I’d like for options to come up, but at least now I feel like it mostly works intuitively.

If I click on a cell to be edited, it takes just under a second for the pencil icon to appear.

Click on the pencil icon, and immediately type a letter from one of the multiple select options, and it’s maybe another second for the list of options to appear.

If I try to choose items quickly — especially an option that appears near the bottom of the list? — then sometimes the lag is just long enough that when I hit Enter the selection is NOT made. This seems to be fairly repeatable. I seem to be able to avoid any mis-selections by pausing to wait for the options list to catch up.

uhm…it sounds like multi select still got something unusual, however we are not able to reproduce the issue in our test environment yet. Would you mind sending a support ticket via “Need Help”, share your sheet example and maybe a screen record video so that we could try reproducing by following your steps?