how to develop this project?

Hello need to manage my small business. Every day X products goes out from my store, and Y product return (my client has not sold them all). These products goes to different clients so i need to have a count send/return for each client and overall. I need the option ot count send/retunr products with a barcode reader, also. And i need to get some statistics from these datas. How would you do that in ragic? Will i be able to customize report to get different kind of data analysys?


Barcode graphics simply display the original string according to the rules of the barcode in a graphical format. For example, if you have a barcode for product number “P001”, scanning this barcode will only bring up “P001”, because the barcode graphics are displayed based on the string “P001”. In other words, whatever is stored behind your barcode graphics will be displayed when scanned.

If you want to use scanning barcodes to perform the “action” of “storage”, then the value represented by the barcode you scan must be the “action” itself. This is usually achieved by writing additional code.

The operation of Ragic and barcodes themselves are not directly related. Ragic only supports barcode fields, allowing your field values to be displayed in barcode graphics, or using barcode scanners to automatically input values to save the manual input steps.

We support different kinds of Reports, you may check if there’s any report that fits your need. Not sure how you want to customize your report, please describe more of your expected result.

I repeat here also
basically i have 3 table. One with clients name, one with product names. And then i have a 3rd table for the movement i do . This table contain field for date and client, and then there is a subtable where i fill the field sell or the field returned with the product, plus quantity, price for it and total price.
I don’t have a real stock, as i prepare a number of food box which are required.
I know that Client A wants x Boxes of certain food, CLient B want y boxes of certaiin food…and so on

I need to use the scanner(or smartphone) to insert the client name in the Movements table, and also to choose the products sold/returned. In practical, i read the barcode on the product, there i have the code for client and for product…this way i should make the insert of records faster


Regarding the database design, I have already provided an answer to another topic.

In Ragic, you can use a barcode or RFID reader to input field values and generate barcodes from values within your database. You can refer to this article for more information.

Please note that one barcode can only correspond to one string. Therefore, you will need to scan the product barcode and client barcode separately.

Hi stef.idea,

I think you might need to ask right person to answer your question. As you post about “How to develop this project?”. That actually to tell it needs a system designer or developer help you to do system design/development and implementation. I think Ragic is a platform tool to give workspace to do any design what you want to be.

Share my understanding from your question. From your use-case, you would like to do faster to find out a record and continue to update some product’s quantity and status to save more time and quickly complete update task. If you only have 1 times to scan barcode and then do update. You should scan an Order Number that’s belong to a client. You cannot just scan one of products to find out correct order. For example, if you have 1000 clients ordered beef burger, are you able to scan this beef burger to find out orders (yes it returned 1000 orders would be found) and what you need to do in next? Select 1 client from 1000 client? You will get more troubles in this way. It is not right way to do. Scan an order number from client to retrieve order detail and then you could easy to do update this order. That could be better one.

let me explain better what this project is and the activity

We have a x number of clients…they are supermarket
We produce x kind of ready sushi food, that come in box

Everyday we produce
x sushi1, y sushi 2, z sushi3 for client1,
x1 sushi1 y1 sushi2, z1 sushi 3 for client 2
and so on
Also everyday we colletc from client1, from client2 and so on what hasn’t been sold within few days

The important is that the client pay us at the end of the month for what has been effectively sold
So we decide how many produccts send to each client, and this is made by analysing the balance send/return

So if i analyze client1 i might have for let’s say sushi1 these situations:
no itmes return: very good…we might try to send more
few items returned…we better keep like it is
many items return: better if we send less of this porduct

So this is the story…there isn’t a real need to identify order to make sure that send and returned belong to the same order…it doesn’t matter
We just need to provide a daily (or every otjer day or similar) amount of products, according to what we believe is better. At the end the client pay for what hjas been sold
Our aim is frst of all avoid loss of product and see if there is chance to increase

This table is meant for this job! of course it will make calculation about what is earned…

The need (the boss is mad about it) is to make the operation of registering the product send and returned as quick as possible, by using scanner, and really little or nothing more
The sold prodcut are scanned at office before leaving, so we’ll have a pc and a scanner
The returned are scanned at the client’s…with a smartphone

The idea is to have 2 barcode on each product, one for client id and one for product id
In both situation (sending and returning) th eperator wll scan the client id, and then scan the product id…and here either he could scan the same product 10’ times if there are 10 same items, or digit the number 10 in the record which is working to

So wt is importna is really to have a reation clients to product (sendt and returned) and the date
as this will be the base for all the statistics, that generally are on a monthly basis (but of course it would be good to have them on a week…on day…on year…)

Hope i have explained clear now!

1) Are you able to print the Barcode/QR Code label on demand everyday for each batch of product sent out?
If [Yes]:
If you do, then you can make data entry even easier since you can simply have a barcode representing the [Order line item ID] of a certain order for a certain client on a certain day for a certain item.
This way you only need to scan this line item ID with Ragic URL to bring up that entry and enter the returned number. (That line item should hold the Qty-Out as well, so you can calculate what’s been sold.)

If [No]:
Like you said you might have two barcodes to scan: Client ID & Product ID.
You can consider having a table for :
Field #1) Type: Out / Return
Fiedl #2) Date
Field #2) Client ID: (by scanning)
Field #3) Product ID: (by scanning)
Field #4) Qty (by entering number going out or returned)
Field #5) Qty for Sum (Calculated: e.g. if Out, +10; if Returned: -5)

By summarizing the transactions from certian time period, you will be able to calculate the number Sent Out & Returned and also the qty sold.

yes…as i can havebarcode on each product, i thought the solution you marked YES…only 1 table
But some says that is still better to have a client table and a product table where to look on…and the transaction table…I don’t need, in this way subtable…right?

by the way, i also don’t need to link the returned product to their original order…i just need to know how many products , (of each product) are returned for client. So i can put the retunred item anywhere, i thought it could be a record on ot’s own
Every record can have a select…return/sold may be?

I think also 1 table can work, only thing is that i need to do some complex(not that much) query for reporting
Using for example 3 parameters…selcet client field, select date field, select product field…
this is what i want to know if i can do with ragic

  1. Number of tables:
    If you don’t have a large number of [Customer No] and [Item No], you can make do with manually add entries to two fields on a single table.
    But if you have considerable selection of Customers and Products, and each have their ID and name that’s hard to keep track of and manage, separate tables would be better.

  2. QR Code Scanning:
    You can also try have QR code with combined values, and you can use formula to “dissect” the combined value into different fields upon scanning.
    QR Code (Cell A1): C001-P0001
    => Customer ID: C001 (e.g. by LEFT( A1, 4) )
    => Product ID: P0001 (e.g. by RIGHT( A1, 5 ) )
    Fixed width info is easier to extract, or you might need some distinct identifier in the string to tell them apart by FIND()

  3. If you don’t mind doing complex query afterwards, 1 table would be fine I suppose. But I think it kind of under utilize the power of the database.

  4. The option for separate field in the section marked [if No] can be adjusted to work with the Combined QR Code example too.

Field #1) Type: Out / Return
Fiedl #2) Date
Field #3) QR Code of (Scanning of Client ID+Product ID)
Field #4) Client ID: (by formula)
Field #5) Product ID: (by formula)
Field #6) Qty (by entering number going out or returned)
Field #7) Qty for Sum (Calculated: e.g. if Out, +10; if Returned: -5)

ok the qrcode containing 2 values is interesting…and i als owas thinking about it…might be really good, just need to make sure that is possibile to do

For the rest…product from 100 to 150
client from 30-50…to grow (hopefully)

one thing it s not clear: the sum field
The way you imagine this table is one record for each operation, either is a sold either is a return, because i choose it in the field 1
So how can i have a sum if i have only out or return in that record?

If more tables are needed to have more complex queries then yes…better to have them…but what other table would you use?
Queries i can do…that are not totally simple
For example while the filed 7 is important but not enough what is really important is to know the percentage of returned items for every product id sold, per client (and overall) in a certain amount of time
100 sushi1 sold to client 1 and 20 returned in february? it is a 20% of return.
And if i see 25% return in january and 19% return in march…then for sure i 'll need to send less sushi1 to client 1

Are you currently limited by the number of tables you can use? If you are limited by 3 or 5 tables, the designs need to be more stringent and try to work around the limit. If there’s no limit on the number of tables, you can consider a more well-structured database design. It will be more scalable and easier to maintain along with the growth of your business.
Because I think: entries of: product from 100 to 150
client from 30-50. Is high enough number to deserve their own tables.

Another aspect to consider is how you want to calculate returned %. If you calculate product sold and returned regularly by the whole calendar Month (e.g.: 3/1-3/31) you can simply use the <Date Out/Returned> field to filter This month or Last Month and export the transaction data for further calculation or Pivot table in Excel. And you can get the client, product, returned % more easily in Excel Pivote table.

The pivot table function in Ragic is currently limited to one single attribute for calculation.

at the moment i use the free version, but if needed i can upgrade ofcourse
important for me is to understand if i can go further before upgrading of course

so the other table…could be the client and the product…?and what else?

You can use Ragic App for scanning barcode directly without the use of PC+Scanner.

Our company actually started using Ragic because of we are trying to find a tool that can build Mobile App that can be easily used on Mobile to do stocktake by scanning barcode/QR Code. And Ragic fits the bill on convenence and ease to develop.

You can try starting the design with Client, Product, Transactions.
If you would like Ragic database to be the record for receiving, processing and tracking Client orders and calculating payable, you can consider adding the “Order” table and what not in the future as you go along.

The benefit of Ragic is that you can pay as you go and quickly try out ideas.