Filter dates

I have a very simple database made to show who is absent today.
I have tried to make a filter that will show records where today is equal to or higher then “absent from” (“Fra dato”) and today is equal to or lower than absent to (“Til dato”) or “absent until” is null.

Can anyone put me in the right direction?


It can’t be achieved by the left sidebar directly since it can filter entries with an assigned value or “Empty”. We would suggest creating a free text field with IF() to calculate if the entry matches your criteria. Then, set the filter based on the formula result.

Hi Angi!
Thanks for answering! I got the same answer from the Ragic team. They told me to add two fields, a Today field, and a checkbox, Absent: Yes or No.

With some adjustments in the formulas (I’m surfing on a free license, not able to write any scripts for updating TODAYTZ()) it seems like it’s working.

Kind regard,