Clickable phone links?

At least some if not many of you can relate to this functionality. I have a scenario where I import phone numbers into my custom-built CRM. These numbers need to be dialled / called. I thought wouldn’t it be neat if there was an automated way of turning these phone numbers into clickable links so that when the caller clicks on the phone number, it opens his/her default dial out application (e.g. Skype). This would make it so much more easier to dial out than to have to either to copy / paste the phone number or manually type in the number into Skype?! I looked high and low and when I found a Chrome extension that does just this, I was excited! However, after trying to play with it, I soon realised it wasn’t it. It doesn’t have support from the publisher and it is bug-filled and doesn’t seem to work (at least on my Chrome on my Macbook Pro)… Check it out for those whom it might benefit :

I wonder if the Ragic community has any ideas, pointers? Is there any solutions? I would think it is a very versatile functionality that would be VERY useful in many different Ragic applications. May be we could do some collective research to benefit the collective here at Ragic! :smile: