Can we resubscribe and unsubscribed email for mass email?

I’m brand new using Ragic and experimenting with it to see if it can work well for my purpose. In doing so, I’ve tested the Mass Email function and then clicked on the “Unsubscribe” button when I received the e-mail. I was immediately unsubscribed, with no intermittent step. I notice that my e-mail is still intact in the system, but now when I try to mass e-mail, the system shows that as not being valid, which I would expect.

  1. How can I reinstate the unsubscribed e-mail so that it can receive the mass emails?
  2. Is there any step that can be added to the unsubscribe process to make sure the person really wants to unsubscribe?
  3. Is there any way to create a standard e-mail template that would include why the person is subscribed to the list above the unsubscribe button?

Thank you for your assistance with these questions.